The new materials you need to teach the next eight lessons of Essentials!
Multi-Level Spelling, Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary
About Essentials, Lessons 8-15:
In this section of Essentials, students build on the phonograms and spelling rules they learned in the first seven lessons of the program and go further, building their spelling, reading, grammar, and vocabulary skills as they practice previous concepts, learn new ones, and apply these skills to analyze the spelling of new words. Along the way, they practice what they are learning through games, critical thinking activities, and multi-sensory practice.
New concepts introduced in Lessons 8-15 include:
- 17 new multi-letter phonograms
- 12 new spelling rules
- grammar concepts including verbs, possessive noun adjectives, subject and predicate, comma and capitalization rules, and more
- dozens of new prefixes, suffixes, and roots found in words in the spelling lists
Three levels of application within each lesson allow you to customize the level of difficulty in order to provide the right level of challenge for each student as you go. Level C also introduces eight new advanced phonograms.
About this set:
This set contains the three new items you will need, in addition to your reusable materials from Essentials 1-7, to teach the next eight lessons of Essentials:
- Essentials 8-15 Teacher's Guide
- Essentials 8-15 Student Workbook
- Morpheme Flash Cards, Lessons 8-15
Other required materials:
You will also need the reusable supplements used throughout Essentials, found in the
Essentials 1-7 Complete Set
. The 8-15 Set is designed for those who have already completed Essentials Lessons 1-7.
Teaching multiple students?:
Order this set, plus an additional
for each additional student. Students will also need the Spelling Journals they started in Lessons 1-7.
Essentials Scope and Sequence
Essentials Placement Test
Make a copy of the Essentials Placement test for each student