Logic of English Essentials 1-7 Complete Bundle
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Note: This bundle includes Game Cards in Cursive Handwriting. Contact CHER Customer Service if you would prefer to substitute with Game Cards in Manuscript Handwriting

What you will need for Lessons 1-7 of Essentials, including reusable supplements you'll use throughout the curriculum!
Reading, Spelling, Grammar, & Vocabulary

- Differentiated instruction
- Three levels of spelling and vocabulary in each lesson
- Discovery-based instruction
- Engaging activities
- Meaningful practice
- Scripted lessons
- Extensive helps and teacher tips
- Phonograms
- Spelling Rules
- Parts of Speech, punctuation rules, capitalization rules
- Efficient vocabulary instruction with prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots

Essentials is Recommended for:
- Ages 8 to adult
- Anyone who wants to learn why English words are spelled the way they are
- As a spelling, grammar, and vocabulary program for Grades 2-6
- Struggling readers age 8 and up
- Struggling spellers age 8 and up
- Students with dyslexia
Logic of English Essentials 1-7 After Foundations Set - Students continuing from Foundations who are ready to go deeper with the phonograms and rules, build spelling mastery, and learn grammar and new vocabulary concepts

- None. See notes below if the student needs handwriting instruction.
- If needed, use the ten optional Pre-Lessons in the 1-7 Teacher's Guide to strengthen foundational skills before beginning Lesson 1. There is a Placement Test to help you determine the right starting point for each student.

Essentials 1-7 Complete Set
This set includes all the components of Essentials needed to teach the first seven lessons of the curriculum - typically a quarter to a semester depending on your pace - to one student.

- Essentials Teacher's Guide, Lessons 1-7
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal
- Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards
- Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards
- Grammar Flash Cards
- Morpheme Flash Cards, Lessons 1-7
- Phonogram Game Cards - 1 Bookface deck
- Phonogram Game Cards - 1 Cursive Handwriting deck
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Spelling Analysis Card

Other Materials not included in this bundle but recommended (can be purchased separately):

Logic of English Student Whiteboard - recommended (sold separately through CHER or can be purchased through your local office supply store)

Rhythm of Handwriting Cursive or Manuscript if handwriting instruction is needed

Essentials Reader Set reading comprehension supplement (recommended for the struggling reader) which includes the Essentials reader, with accompanying Student Activity Book and Essentials Reader Teacher's Guide

Teaching multiple students? Each additional student will need:
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal (one per student)
- Student Whiteboard (recommended; included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Cards (add additional sets if teaching more than four students; used in groups of four)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Tiles (we recommend one set for every one or two students)

Handwriting Styles
Essentials does not teach handwriting. Students may complete Essentials lessons with either cursive or manuscript handwriting. This bundle includes Cursive Handwriting game cards. Contact CHER Customer Service if you wish to substitute with Manuscript Handwriting game cards. The second set of game cards is in standard bookface. This enables students to practice reading the phonograms both as they appear in books and as they appear in writing.

If Handwriting Instruction is Needed
If the student struggles with handwriting or needs handwriting instruction, introduce either cursive or manuscript using The Rhythm of Handwriting. The Essentials Pre-Lessons include a suggested schedule for integrating Rhythm of Handwriting instruction.

Continuing through Essentials
After completing these lessons, add the new materials for Lessons 8-15. Continue with Lessons 16-22 and 23-30 when you are ready for them. At a pace of one lesson per week, you can complete all 30 lessons in a school year; at a pace of half a lesson per week you will complete about 15 lessons in a school year.

The entire curriculum, Lessons 1-30, can then be reused up to two additional times at a more advanced level of instruction.

Essentials Scope and Sequence

Essentials Placement Test

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Introduction Sample

Pre-Lessons A & B Sample

Teacher's Guide Sample

Student Workbook Sample

Spelling Journal Sample

Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample

Note: This bundle includes Game Cards in Cursive Handwriting. Contact CHER Customer Service if you would prefer to substitute with Game Cards in Manuscript Handwriting

What you will need for Lessons 1-7 of Essentials, including reusable supplements you'll use throughout the curriculum!
Reading, Spelling, Grammar, & Vocabulary

- Differentiated instruction
- Three levels of spelling and vocabulary in each lesson
- Discovery-based instruction
- Engaging activities
- Meaningful practice
- Scripted lessons
- Extensive helps and teacher tips
- Phonograms
- Spelling Rules
- Parts of Speech, punctuation rules, capitalization rules
- Efficient vocabulary instruction with prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots

Essentials is Recommended for:
- Ages 8 to adult
- Anyone who wants to learn why English words are spelled the way they are
- As a spelling, grammar, and vocabulary program for Grades 2-6
- Struggling readers age 8 and up
- Struggling spellers age 8 and up
- Students with dyslexia
Logic of English Essentials 1-7 After Foundations Set - Students continuing from Foundations who are ready to go deeper with the phonograms and rules, build spelling mastery, and learn grammar and new vocabulary concepts

- None. See notes below if the student needs handwriting instruction.
- If needed, use the ten optional Pre-Lessons in the 1-7 Teacher's Guide to strengthen foundational skills before beginning Lesson 1. There is a Placement Test to help you determine the right starting point for each student.

Essentials 1-7 Complete Set
This set includes all the components of Essentials needed to teach the first seven lessons of the curriculum - typically a quarter to a semester depending on your pace - to one student.

- Essentials Teacher's Guide, Lessons 1-7
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal
- Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards
- Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards
- Grammar Flash Cards
- Morpheme Flash Cards, Lessons 1-7
- Phonogram Game Cards - 1 Bookface deck
- Phonogram Game Cards - 1 Cursive Handwriting deck
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Spelling Analysis Card

Other Materials not included in this bundle but recommended (can be purchased separately):

Logic of English Student Whiteboard - recommended (sold separately through CHER or can be purchased through your local office supply store)

Rhythm of Handwriting Cursive or Manuscript if handwriting instruction is needed

Essentials Reader Set reading comprehension supplement (recommended for the struggling reader) which includes the Essentials reader, with accompanying Student Activity Book and Essentials Reader Teacher's Guide

Teaching multiple students? Each additional student will need:
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal (one per student)
- Student Whiteboard (recommended; included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Cards (add additional sets if teaching more than four students; used in groups of four)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Tiles (we recommend one set for every one or two students)

Handwriting Styles
Essentials does not teach handwriting. Students may complete Essentials lessons with either cursive or manuscript handwriting. This bundle includes Cursive Handwriting game cards. Contact CHER Customer Service if you wish to substitute with Manuscript Handwriting game cards. The second set of game cards is in standard bookface. This enables students to practice reading the phonograms both as they appear in books and as they appear in writing.

If Handwriting Instruction is Needed
If the student struggles with handwriting or needs handwriting instruction, introduce either cursive or manuscript using The Rhythm of Handwriting. The Essentials Pre-Lessons include a suggested schedule for integrating Rhythm of Handwriting instruction.

Continuing through Essentials
After completing these lessons, add the new materials for Lessons 8-15. Continue with Lessons 16-22 and 23-30 when you are ready for them. At a pace of one lesson per week, you can complete all 30 lessons in a school year; at a pace of half a lesson per week you will complete about 15 lessons in a school year.

The entire curriculum, Lessons 1-30, can then be reused up to two additional times at a more advanced level of instruction.

Essentials Scope and Sequence

Essentials Placement Test

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Introduction Sample

Pre-Lessons A & B Sample

Teacher's Guide Sample

Student Workbook Sample

Spelling Journal Sample

Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample