Logic of English Essentials 1-7 After Foundations Set
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Everything those who already have the Foundations supplements need to teach Lessons 1-7 of Essentials!
Foundations D Set is a pre-requisite to ensure that have the necessary individual pieces to teach Lessons 1-7 of Essentials when purchasing the Logic of English Essentials 1-7 After Foundations Set.

Reading, Spelling, Grammar, & Vocabulary

Essentials Highlights:
- Three levels of spelling and vocabulary in each lesson - choose the level of challenge that's right for each student, and teach multiple ability levels together!
- Discovery-based instruction
- Grammar concepts
- Engaging activities
- Meaningful practice
- Scripted lessons
- Extensive helps and teacher tips
- Phonograms and Spelling Rules - review, go deeper, and learn more!
- Parts of Speech, punctuation rules, capitalization rules
- Efficient vocabulary instruction with prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots

Moving from Foundations to Essentials:
- A great next step for students who have completed Foundations, as well as a starting point for older students who are new to Logic of English
- Learn the remaining Spelling Rules and review the phonograms and rules taught in Foundations
- Shift the focus to thinking critically about the spelling of our words and building spelling mastery
- Introduce new parts of speech and dozens of new grammar concepts
- Teach new prefixes, suffixes, and roots in the vocabulary lessons, including over a hundred Greek and Latin roots introduced in level C
- After completing all 30 lessons, repeat a second time for greater mastery and teach advanced spelling words and vocabulary concepts.

Essentials is Recommended for:
- Ages 8 to adult
- Anyone who wants to learn why English words are spelled the way they are
- As a spelling, grammar, and vocabulary program for Grades 2-6
- Struggling readers age 8 and up
- Struggling spellers age 8 and up
- Students with dyslexia
- Students continuing from Foundations who are ready to go deeper with the phonograms and rules, build spelling mastery, and learn grammar and new vocabulary concepts

- None. See notes below if the student needs handwriting instruction.
- If needed, use the ten optional Pre-Lessons in the 1-7 Teacher's Guide to strengthen foundational skills before beginning Lesson 1. There is a Placement Test to help you determine the right starting point for each student. (These skills are also developed in Foundations A and B.)
- Students are not required to complete Foundations before starting Essentials. It does provide a great introduction to concepts Essentials covers more deeply in a style appropriate for young children. With older students, even if they are struggling readers, begin with Essentials.

Items in This Set
This set includes the following materials, which are not included in Foundations sets and which you will need to teach the first seven lessons of Essentials.

- Essentials Teacher's Guide, Lessons 1-7
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal
- Updated Grammar Flash Cards (3rd Edition - 2018)
- Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards
- Morpheme Flash Cards, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Analysis Quick Reference

Other Materials Needed
You will also need all of the following supplements to teach Essentials 1-7. These are included in the Foundations sets.
Required for Essentials 1-7
- Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards
- 1 set of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
- 1 set of either Manuscript or Cursive Phonogram Game Cards
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Student Whiteboard - recommended (included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set, Foundations A Set, and Foundations B Set - for Starting at B)

If you don't have most of these items already, we recommend the Essentials 1-7 Complete Set instead.
Optional supplements:
- Rhythm of Handwriting - if handwriting instruction is needed
- The Essentials Reader, with accompanying Student Activity Book and Essentials Reader Teacher's Guide - reading comprehension supplement, recommended with Essentials for struggling readers age 8 and up.

After you complete Lesson 7, inquire at CHER about:
- Essentials 8-15 Set
- Essentials 16-22 Set
- Essentials 23-30 Set

Add the materials for the remaining sets of lessons in Essentials now, or order them as you need them. Depending on your pace, the 30 lessons of Essentials will likely take one to two years the first time through, and then less time when repeating a second time when reviewing the concepts and learning more advanced spelling words.

Teaching multiple students?
Each additional student will need:
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal (one per student)
- Student Whiteboard (recommended; included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Cards (add additional sets if teaching more than four students; used in groups of four)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Tiles (we recommend one set for every one or two students)

If Handwriting Instruction is Needed:
- If the student struggles with handwriting or needs handwriting instruction, introduce either cursive or manuscript using The Rhythm of Handwriting . The Essentials Pre-Lessons include a suggested schedule for integrating Rhythm of Handwriting instruction.

Continuing through Essentials:
After completing these lessons, add the new materials for Lessons 8-15. Continue with Lessons 16-22 and 23-30 when you are ready for them. Most people complete all 30 lessons, once through, in one to two school years depending on the pace that works best for your student.

The entire curriculum, Lessons 1-30, can then be reused up to two additional times at a more advanced level of instruction.

Essentials Teacher Guide Samples
Essentials Student Workbook Samples
Essentials Scope and Sequence
Essentials Placement Test
Make a copy of the Essentials Placement test for each student
"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Introduction Sample
Pre-Lessons A & B Sample
Spelling Journal Sample
Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample
Everything those who already have the Foundations supplements need to teach Lessons 1-7 of Essentials!
Foundations D Set is a pre-requisite to ensure that have the necessary individual pieces to teach Lessons 1-7 of Essentials when purchasing the Logic of English Essentials 1-7 After Foundations Set.

Reading, Spelling, Grammar, & Vocabulary

Essentials Highlights:
- Three levels of spelling and vocabulary in each lesson - choose the level of challenge that's right for each student, and teach multiple ability levels together!
- Discovery-based instruction
- Grammar concepts
- Engaging activities
- Meaningful practice
- Scripted lessons
- Extensive helps and teacher tips
- Phonograms and Spelling Rules - review, go deeper, and learn more!
- Parts of Speech, punctuation rules, capitalization rules
- Efficient vocabulary instruction with prefixes, suffixes, and Greek and Latin roots

Moving from Foundations to Essentials:
- A great next step for students who have completed Foundations, as well as a starting point for older students who are new to Logic of English
- Learn the remaining Spelling Rules and review the phonograms and rules taught in Foundations
- Shift the focus to thinking critically about the spelling of our words and building spelling mastery
- Introduce new parts of speech and dozens of new grammar concepts
- Teach new prefixes, suffixes, and roots in the vocabulary lessons, including over a hundred Greek and Latin roots introduced in level C
- After completing all 30 lessons, repeat a second time for greater mastery and teach advanced spelling words and vocabulary concepts.

Essentials is Recommended for:
- Ages 8 to adult
- Anyone who wants to learn why English words are spelled the way they are
- As a spelling, grammar, and vocabulary program for Grades 2-6
- Struggling readers age 8 and up
- Struggling spellers age 8 and up
- Students with dyslexia
- Students continuing from Foundations who are ready to go deeper with the phonograms and rules, build spelling mastery, and learn grammar and new vocabulary concepts

- None. See notes below if the student needs handwriting instruction.
- If needed, use the ten optional Pre-Lessons in the 1-7 Teacher's Guide to strengthen foundational skills before beginning Lesson 1. There is a Placement Test to help you determine the right starting point for each student. (These skills are also developed in Foundations A and B.)
- Students are not required to complete Foundations before starting Essentials. It does provide a great introduction to concepts Essentials covers more deeply in a style appropriate for young children. With older students, even if they are struggling readers, begin with Essentials.

Items in This Set
This set includes the following materials, which are not included in Foundations sets and which you will need to teach the first seven lessons of Essentials.

- Essentials Teacher's Guide, Lessons 1-7
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal
- Updated Grammar Flash Cards (3rd Edition - 2018)
- Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards
- Morpheme Flash Cards, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Analysis Quick Reference

Other Materials Needed
You will also need all of the following supplements to teach Essentials 1-7. These are included in the Foundations sets.
Required for Essentials 1-7
- Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards
- 1 set of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
- 1 set of either Manuscript or Cursive Phonogram Game Cards
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Student Whiteboard - recommended (included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set, Foundations A Set, and Foundations B Set - for Starting at B)

If you don't have most of these items already, we recommend the Essentials 1-7 Complete Set instead.
Optional supplements:
- Rhythm of Handwriting - if handwriting instruction is needed
- The Essentials Reader, with accompanying Student Activity Book and Essentials Reader Teacher's Guide - reading comprehension supplement, recommended with Essentials for struggling readers age 8 and up.

After you complete Lesson 7, inquire at CHER about:
- Essentials 8-15 Set
- Essentials 16-22 Set
- Essentials 23-30 Set

Add the materials for the remaining sets of lessons in Essentials now, or order them as you need them. Depending on your pace, the 30 lessons of Essentials will likely take one to two years the first time through, and then less time when repeating a second time when reviewing the concepts and learning more advanced spelling words.

Teaching multiple students?
Each additional student will need:
- Essentials Student Workbook, Lessons 1-7
- Spelling Journal (one per student)
- Student Whiteboard (recommended; included in Rhythm of Handwriting Set)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Cards (add additional sets if teaching more than four students; used in groups of four)
- Optional: Phonogram Game Tiles (we recommend one set for every one or two students)

If Handwriting Instruction is Needed:
- If the student struggles with handwriting or needs handwriting instruction, introduce either cursive or manuscript using The Rhythm of Handwriting . The Essentials Pre-Lessons include a suggested schedule for integrating Rhythm of Handwriting instruction.

Continuing through Essentials:
After completing these lessons, add the new materials for Lessons 8-15. Continue with Lessons 16-22 and 23-30 when you are ready for them. Most people complete all 30 lessons, once through, in one to two school years depending on the pace that works best for your student.

The entire curriculum, Lessons 1-30, can then be reused up to two additional times at a more advanced level of instruction.

Essentials Teacher Guide Samples
Essentials Student Workbook Samples
Essentials Scope and Sequence
Essentials Placement Test
Make a copy of the Essentials Placement test for each student
"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Introduction Sample
Pre-Lessons A & B Sample
Spelling Journal Sample
Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample