NEW 3rd Editions!
The new, updated, and expanded third editions are now available!
Learning Language Arts Through Literature is a complete language arts program for first grade through high school. Using an integrated approach to teaching, students learn the skills appropriate for each grade level in the context of quality literature. Reading real books instead of basal stories makes reading more attractive to the student. This creates a deeper understanding and generates greater interest in grammar, writing mechanics, vocabulary, spelling, and other language skills. The goal of any language arts program should be to equip the student for a lifetime of communication through the written and spoken word.
All levels of Learning Language Arts Through Literature are written for a 36-week school year. Grades 1-8 include a Teacher's Book written in a conversational format making it easy to use with little or no preparation time for the teacher. Student Activity Books are available for the 1st - 8th grade. All levels include review activities and assessments. Placement Tests and Scope and Sequence for each grade are available.
In order to help you decide where to place your student within the series, Learning Language Arts Through Literature has Placement Tests. Begin evaluation using the Placement Test for the current grade level of your student. Proceed, moving forward or backward in grade levels, until you determine the best placement for your student. In addition, viewing the scope and sequence and sample lessons at the various grade levels will assist you in the placement of your student.
**LLAL has only one Gold Placement Test. If your student scores well on the Placement, he should do well in the Gold Book - World Literature, the Gold Book - American Literature, or The Gold Book - British Literature. LLAL recommends using Literary Criticism in 12th grade.
You can find links for Learning Language Arts Through Literature Sample Lessons, Placement Tests, and Scope & Sequence here.