Wordly Wise 3000 3rd Edition
Academic Vocabulary for success Students learn 3,000 words featured in literature and textbooks words most likely to appear in their reading and on high-stakes tests including the SAT and ACT.
Student Books Students actively engage with words in a variety of contexts for long term retention. Exercises include reading words in context, applying meanings in different situations, and answering comprehension questions. There are 150 words per level in Books 2 - 3 and 300 words per level in Books 4 - 12. Cumulative reviews are built in. The words chosen for Wordly Wise 3000® were selected to expand critical grade level vocabulary and improve reading comprehension. Words from each lesson are commonly encountered in: grade-level literature content-area reading textbooks high-stakes tests - including the PSAT, SAT, and ACT Wordly Wise 3000 4th Edition is also available.
