Squiggle Bugs
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Ages 4 and Up - SQUIGGLE® Bugs is a doodling good time! It’s entertaining and encourages children’s creativity as they transform squiggly lines into bugs and insects. Can you draw a creepy cockroach from a squiggle or how about a slimy slug? Give it a try, spin the wheel and change the squiggle into the bug you land on. It’s un-BEE-lievable! Ages 4 and Up

  • Age Level
    Ages 4+
  • Consumable
  • Format
Ages 4 and Up - SQUIGGLE® Bugs is a doodling good time! It’s entertaining and encourages children’s creativity as they transform squiggly lines into bugs and insects. Can you draw a creepy cockroach from a squiggle or how about a slimy slug? Give it a try, spin the wheel and change the squiggle into the bug you land on. It’s un-BEE-lievable! Ages 4 and Up

  • Age Level
    Ages 4+
  • Consumable
  • Format