Saxon Homeschool Math 5/4 helps students extend their understanding of critical skills and concepts such as number sense, numeration, numerical operations, measurements and geometry, patterns, relationships, math functions, and data manipulation through charts.
Saxon Student Textbook Customized for homeschooling
- 12 Investigations and an Illustrated Glossary
- 120 Lessons. Each daily lesson includes warm-up activities, teaching of the new concept, and practice of new and previous material.
- Two-color format
- 627 pages
Tests and Worksheets Booklet Testing schedule and 23 cumulative Tests
- Worksheets for one student for one year, including Facts Practice Tests and Activity Sheets
- Various Recording Forms for tracking student progress on assignments and tests
Saxon Solutions Manual Full step-by-step solutions to all Lesson and Investigation problems
- Full step-by-step solutions to the 23 cumulative Tests
- Answers to Supplemental Practice Problems and Facts Practice problems
Saxon Math Middle Grades Placement Test
Saxon Math Sample Pages
Saxon Math Scope & Sequence
Saxon Math Introductory Pages