Saxon Advanced Math Set & DIVE Bundle
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Prepare your students for future success in calculus, chemistry, physics, and social sciences! The 125 incremental Saxon Advanced Mathematics lessons provide in-depth coverage of trigonometry, logarithms, analytic geometry, and upper-level algebraic concepts. Includes continued practice of intermediate algebraic concepts and trigonometry introduced in Algebra 2 and features new lessons on functions, matrices, statistics, and the graphing calculator.

Looking for help in teaching math? The DIVE (Digital Interactive Video Education) Stream & Download lecture series is designed to complement Saxon textbooks but not replace them.

Bundle includes:
• Saxon Advanced Math Set 2nd ed (includes text, test forms and answer key)
• Saxon Advanced Math Solution Manual 2nd ed (includes fully worked out answers)
• DIVE for Saxon Advanced Math 2nd ed (Lectures taught from a Christian worldview. Not affiliated with Saxon publishers.)

Prepare your students for future success in calculus, chemistry, physics, and social sciences! The 125 incremental Saxon Advanced Mathematics lessons provide in-depth coverage of trigonometry, logarithms, analytic geometry, and upper-level algebraic concepts. Includes continued practice of intermediate algebraic concepts and trigonometry introduced in Algebra 2 and features new lessons on functions, matrices, statistics, and the graphing calculator.

Looking for help in teaching math? The DIVE (Digital Interactive Video Education) Stream & Download lecture series is designed to complement Saxon textbooks but not replace them.

Bundle includes:
• Saxon Advanced Math Set 2nd ed (includes text, test forms and answer key)
• Saxon Advanced Math Solution Manual 2nd ed (includes fully worked out answers)
• DIVE for Saxon Advanced Math 2nd ed (Lectures taught from a Christian worldview. Not affiliated with Saxon publishers.)