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Mystery Of History Volume IV, the final volume of this world history series, spans three pressure-filled centuries from 1708 to 2014. Starting with Bach and Handel, two of four major composers included in Volume IV, the time period will see numerous “wars of independence.” From the American colonies, the heart of Mexico, the goldmines of Australia, the mountaintops of South America, the shores of Greece, and the walls of the Alamo, we will find mankind desperately striving for liberty and freedom through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Most of the time, he will achieve it – but seldom without heartache, revolution, and bloodshed! While a great deal of American history will be included (such as the American Revolution, the War Between the States, the War in Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, and more) this volume will not necessarily replace American history for those students seeking to fill a requirement. My hope is that American students will see U.S. history in a broader, more relevant manner when it is woven into the fabric of world history events. Can you use this volume to dovetail American history? Absolutely, but the author, Linda Hobar, kept this book a world history text for the sake of all her readers, here and abroad.
This curriculum includes a
digital download of
The Mystery of History Companion Guide, Volume IV which offers various activities, quizzes, tests, reproducible maps, teacher information, and book lists.
Please note that The Mystery of History Volume IV is not on the same reading level as The Mystery of History Volume I. The Mystery of History Volume IV is best suited for children in 6th grade and up. Younger siblings can tag along for the history lessons, but the reading level and emotional intensity of The Mystery of History Volume IV will be challenging for them. Expect to make modifications to help children younger than sixth grade grasp the material.
From the producers of Mystery of History:
After each and every lesson in The Mystery of History, students are given several optional “Activities” for Younger Students (K – 3rd), Middle Students (4th – 8th), and Older Students (9th – 12th) that will range from fun, hands-on crafts and games to stimulating research projects. While the entire family can read or listen to the same history lessons together (or individually on their own), what students will do with the lessons, or what they will absorb from the lessons, will vary widely by their maturity, skill level, and learning style.
Each Volume increases in difficulty through content, length, and reading level. This means that while Volume I starts at about a 3rd – 4th grade reading level, Volume II moves to a 5th – 6th grade reading level, Volume III advances to a 7th – 8th grade reading level, and Volume IV jumps to a 9th – 10th grade reading level. However, the lessons in Volume IV, which are longer in length and heavier in theme, will be too advanced for some children and will require some screening and skipping. Some families may in fact choose to reserve Volume IV for high school as a world history credit. Whenever you use Volume IV, parents and teachers can decide when to proceed and when to pull back on some of the more gruesome aspects of modern history. And for those who will have younger ones sitting in with older siblings (as is common in homeschooling), there are Younger and Middle Activities to keep students involved on an age appropriate level. As in all matters of parenting and teaching, please use discretion based on the needs and abilities of your students!
Mystery of History Volume IV Student Reader Sample (Week 7)
Mystery of History Volume IV Companion Guide Sample (Week 7)