Logic of English Foundations D Set
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Logic of English Foundations D Set

LOE Foundations: Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting for ages 4-7
For those who have completed Foundations B and C and already have the reusable Foundations supplements.

All the Logic of English materials you need to continue to level D of Foundations! In addition to the Teacher's Manual, Student Workbook, and Foundations Readers for levels D, the Foundations D Set also includes Spelling Rule Flash Cards, used in the D lessons as students begin working on more advanced spelling concepts.

Add in your reusable resources from Foundations A and the children's literature used in D, and you are ready to teach the last 40 lessons of Foundations!

What is Taught in Foundations D (lessons 121-160)?
- Build fluency and comprehension with the phonics, language, and reading skills introduced in levels A through C.
- Read a book, a non-fiction reader, or a chapter from a children's chapter book in each lesson!
- 6 new spelling rules, including suffixing rules
- 6 Advanced Phonograms
- Fun activities develop speed and accuracy
- Strengthen reading and spelling fluency through spelling analysis
- Develop comprehension skills for reading fiction and non-fiction texts including inferencing, main idea, sequencing, identifying the elements of a story, and more
- Practice drawing connections between texts
- Beginning composition activities
- Create posters, lists, summaries, letters, and books
- Use morphemes to improve spelling and develop vocabulary

Recommended for
- Ages 5 to 8 (after completing Foundations C)
- As a phonics, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar curriculum for Grade 1 or 2 (after completing Foundations C)
- Struggling readers
- Students with dyslexia
- Strong early readers ready to learn more about how written English works

Prerequisites for Foundations D Set
- Foundations C
What is included?
- Foundations D Teacher's Manual - 2nd edition. Includes a new table of standards for 2nd grade fulfilled by Foundations C and D, along with kindergarten and first grade standards.
- Foundations D Student Workbook
- Foundations D Readers
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards - Edition 4
What else do I need to teach Foundations D?
Required: reusable supplements from the Foundations A or B Complete Sets
- Basic Phonogram Cards
- 1 deck of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
- 1 deck of either Cursive or Manuscript Phonogram Game Cards
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Student Whiteboard
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Spelling Analysis Card

Required: other item
You will need the 13 children's books used in the Foundations D lessons. These may be purchased as a set or individually from Logic of English, or obtained from a library or bookseller of your choice.
- Polar Opposites by Erik Brooks
- Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik
- Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems
- A Fish Out of Water by Helen Palmer
- Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same! by Grace Lin
- Henry and Mudge: The First Book by Cynthia Rylant
- Mr. Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea by Cynthia Rylant
- Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
- Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan
- Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole by Wong Herbert Yee
- Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)
- Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)
- The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)

Ordering for multiple students?
Each additional student will need:
- Foundations D Student Workbook
- Foundations D Readers (or share with a partner)

Older students who are new to Logic of English may begin at Essentials.

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Logic of English Foundations D Set

LOE Foundations: Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting for ages 4-7
For those who have completed Foundations B and C and already have the reusable Foundations supplements.

All the Logic of English materials you need to continue to level D of Foundations! In addition to the Teacher's Manual, Student Workbook, and Foundations Readers for levels D, the Foundations D Set also includes Spelling Rule Flash Cards, used in the D lessons as students begin working on more advanced spelling concepts.

Add in your reusable resources from Foundations A and the children's literature used in D, and you are ready to teach the last 40 lessons of Foundations!

What is Taught in Foundations D (lessons 121-160)?
- Build fluency and comprehension with the phonics, language, and reading skills introduced in levels A through C.
- Read a book, a non-fiction reader, or a chapter from a children's chapter book in each lesson!
- 6 new spelling rules, including suffixing rules
- 6 Advanced Phonograms
- Fun activities develop speed and accuracy
- Strengthen reading and spelling fluency through spelling analysis
- Develop comprehension skills for reading fiction and non-fiction texts including inferencing, main idea, sequencing, identifying the elements of a story, and more
- Practice drawing connections between texts
- Beginning composition activities
- Create posters, lists, summaries, letters, and books
- Use morphemes to improve spelling and develop vocabulary

Recommended for
- Ages 5 to 8 (after completing Foundations C)
- As a phonics, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar curriculum for Grade 1 or 2 (after completing Foundations C)
- Struggling readers
- Students with dyslexia
- Strong early readers ready to learn more about how written English works

Prerequisites for Foundations D Set
- Foundations C
What is included?
- Foundations D Teacher's Manual - 2nd edition. Includes a new table of standards for 2nd grade fulfilled by Foundations C and D, along with kindergarten and first grade standards.
- Foundations D Student Workbook
- Foundations D Readers
- Spelling Rule Flash Cards - Edition 4
What else do I need to teach Foundations D?
Required: reusable supplements from the Foundations A or B Complete Sets
- Basic Phonogram Cards
- 1 deck of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
- 1 deck of either Cursive or Manuscript Phonogram Game Cards
- Phonogram Game Tiles
- Student Whiteboard
- Phonogram and Spelling Rule Quick Reference
- Spelling Analysis Card

Required: other item
You will need the 13 children's books used in the Foundations D lessons. These may be purchased as a set or individually from Logic of English, or obtained from a library or bookseller of your choice.
- Polar Opposites by Erik Brooks
- Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik
- Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems
- A Fish Out of Water by Helen Palmer
- Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same! by Grace Lin
- Henry and Mudge: The First Book by Cynthia Rylant
- Mr. Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea by Cynthia Rylant
- Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
- Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan
- Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole by Wong Herbert Yee
- Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)
- Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)
- The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman (available in The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books)

Ordering for multiple students?
Each additional student will need:
- Foundations D Student Workbook
- Foundations D Readers (or share with a partner)

Older students who are new to Logic of English may begin at Essentials.

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs