Logic of English Foundations A (Cursive) Complete Set
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Logic of English Foundations A Complete Bundle - Cursive

Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting for ages 4-7
Provide your students with a fun, multi-sensory experience learning to read and write that engages their senses, works naturally with their desire to wiggle and play, and lays a strong foundation for reading and writing success.

Foundations A Complete Bundle
Everything you need to teach the first level of Foundations, including reusable supplements you'll use all the way through the curriculum!

In addition to the Teacher's Manual and Student Workbook for level A, the complete set includes all the durable supplements that are used throughout the Foundations curriculum. With this package, you are ready to open and teach Foundations!

What is Taught in Foundations A (Lessons 1-40)?
   - Learn all the sounds of A-Z
   - Develop phonemic awareness skills, including blending and segmenting one-syllable words
   - Identify initial and final sounds
    Learn to read and spell short vowel CVC words
   - Learn to read and spell consonant blends
   - Students create 6 delightful readers
   - Learn to write lowercase A-Z in cursive
   - Cursive handwriting modeled in the workbook
   - Learn to read 87 high-frequency words and learn tools for reading hundreds more
   - Develop fluency
   - Early comprehension skills

Foundations is Recommended for
   - Ages 4 to 7
   - As a phonics, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar curriculum for Grades K-2
   - As a complete language arts curriculum for Grades K-2
   - Young struggling readers
   - Young students with dyslexia
   - Early readers

   - Spoken English skills
   - Interest in sounds, letters, and learning to read

Handwriting Style
   - The Foundations A Teacher's Manual includes instructions for teaching BOTH manuscript and cursive.
   - The Foundations A Complete Set is sold in TWO versions, manuscript and cursive. The Foundations A Complete Bundle in Manuscript is also available at CHER.

What is Included in this set?
   - Foundations A Teacher's Manual, 2nd edition
   - Foundations A Student Workbook - Cursive
   - Logic of English Doodling Dragons Foundations A
   - Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
   - 1 deck of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
   - 1 deck of Cursive Phonogram Game Cards
   - Phonogram Game Tiles, Edition 2
   - Rhythm of Handwriting Tactile Cards - Cursive
   - Rhythm Handwriting Cursive Quick Reference Chart
   - Phonogram & Spelling Rule Quick Reference
   - Spelling Analysis Card
You also need a small student whiteboard that can be purchased separately at CHER or you can purchase one through your local office or paper supply store.

Both the Teacher’s Manual and the Student Workbook are needed to teach Foundations.

Handwriting instruction is also incorporated into Foundations, so it is not necessary to purchase The Rhythm of Handwriting separately.

Teaching Multiple Students?
This set includes everything needed for one teacher and one student. Each additional student will need:

   - Foundations A Student Workbook - either Cursive OR Manuscript
    - student whiteboard
    - optional Phonogram Game Tiles (one set per student recommended, or to share with a partner)

If teaching more than four students:
    - Phonogram Game Cards (two contrasting decks per group of four students)

After completing this level A, you will need:
    - Foundations B (Manuscript) Set or Foundations B (Cursive) Set (lessons 41-80)
    - Foundations C Set (lessons 81-120)
    - Foundations D Set (lessons 121-160), plus the children's literature used in D

Children typically spend about four months to a year on Foundations A, depending on the age and prior knowledge of the student. Preschoolers starting Foundations will often spend up to a year on level A, while students who already have some prior phonics knowledge or have begun to read before beginning Foundations will often move more quickly through level A (and, in some cases, B) before spending more time on higher levels.

The "right" pace through the curriculum varies by student and setting, but it's common for students to complete Foundations levels A-D in 2-3 years.

Foundations Scope & Sequence

Teacher's Manual Sample

Teacher's Manual Lessons & Assessment Sample

Cursive Workbook Lessons & Assessment Sample

Doodling Dragons Sample

Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample

Rhythm of Handwriting Cursive Tactile Card Sample

Not all students need to start at Foundations A; check here which Foundations Level to begin with Placement Test

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs

Logic of English Foundations A Complete Bundle - Cursive

Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting for ages 4-7
Provide your students with a fun, multi-sensory experience learning to read and write that engages their senses, works naturally with their desire to wiggle and play, and lays a strong foundation for reading and writing success.

Foundations A Complete Bundle
Everything you need to teach the first level of Foundations, including reusable supplements you'll use all the way through the curriculum!

In addition to the Teacher's Manual and Student Workbook for level A, the complete set includes all the durable supplements that are used throughout the Foundations curriculum. With this package, you are ready to open and teach Foundations!

What is Taught in Foundations A (Lessons 1-40)?
   - Learn all the sounds of A-Z
   - Develop phonemic awareness skills, including blending and segmenting one-syllable words
   - Identify initial and final sounds
    Learn to read and spell short vowel CVC words
   - Learn to read and spell consonant blends
   - Students create 6 delightful readers
   - Learn to write lowercase A-Z in cursive
   - Cursive handwriting modeled in the workbook
   - Learn to read 87 high-frequency words and learn tools for reading hundreds more
   - Develop fluency
   - Early comprehension skills

Foundations is Recommended for
   - Ages 4 to 7
   - As a phonics, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar curriculum for Grades K-2
   - As a complete language arts curriculum for Grades K-2
   - Young struggling readers
   - Young students with dyslexia
   - Early readers

   - Spoken English skills
   - Interest in sounds, letters, and learning to read

Handwriting Style
   - The Foundations A Teacher's Manual includes instructions for teaching BOTH manuscript and cursive.
   - The Foundations A Complete Set is sold in TWO versions, manuscript and cursive. The Foundations A Complete Bundle in Manuscript is also available at CHER.

What is Included in this set?
   - Foundations A Teacher's Manual, 2nd edition
   - Foundations A Student Workbook - Cursive
   - Logic of English Doodling Dragons Foundations A
   - Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
   - 1 deck of Bookface Phonogram Game Cards
   - 1 deck of Cursive Phonogram Game Cards
   - Phonogram Game Tiles, Edition 2
   - Rhythm of Handwriting Tactile Cards - Cursive
   - Rhythm Handwriting Cursive Quick Reference Chart
   - Phonogram & Spelling Rule Quick Reference
   - Spelling Analysis Card
You also need a small student whiteboard that can be purchased separately at CHER or you can purchase one through your local office or paper supply store.

Both the Teacher’s Manual and the Student Workbook are needed to teach Foundations.

Handwriting instruction is also incorporated into Foundations, so it is not necessary to purchase The Rhythm of Handwriting separately.

Teaching Multiple Students?
This set includes everything needed for one teacher and one student. Each additional student will need:

   - Foundations A Student Workbook - either Cursive OR Manuscript
    - student whiteboard
    - optional Phonogram Game Tiles (one set per student recommended, or to share with a partner)

If teaching more than four students:
    - Phonogram Game Cards (two contrasting decks per group of four students)

After completing this level A, you will need:
    - Foundations B (Manuscript) Set or Foundations B (Cursive) Set (lessons 41-80)
    - Foundations C Set (lessons 81-120)
    - Foundations D Set (lessons 121-160), plus the children's literature used in D

Children typically spend about four months to a year on Foundations A, depending on the age and prior knowledge of the student. Preschoolers starting Foundations will often spend up to a year on level A, while students who already have some prior phonics knowledge or have begun to read before beginning Foundations will often move more quickly through level A (and, in some cases, B) before spending more time on higher levels.

The "right" pace through the curriculum varies by student and setting, but it's common for students to complete Foundations levels A-D in 2-3 years.

Foundations Scope & Sequence

Teacher's Manual Sample

Teacher's Manual Lessons & Assessment Sample

Cursive Workbook Lessons & Assessment Sample

Doodling Dragons Sample

Basic Phonogram Flash Card Sample

Rhythm of Handwriting Cursive Tactile Card Sample

Not all students need to start at Foundations A; check here which Foundations Level to begin with Placement Test

"Help Me Choose" flowchart for which program best suits your needs