When your homeschooling feels a bit tired and needs a life, try putting away the text books for a couple of weeks and dive into a unit study! What a great way to refresh your child's love of learning and change it up a bit for Mom, too.
1. Choose your topic
The best resource here is you and your kids! What are you interested in? What seems relevant to your life right now? What questions have your kids been asking lately?
2. Choose a "skeleton" or foundation resource
Lisa's favourites are books that list several items within the topic you've chosen. The Table of Contents is really valuable for this step. Here are some ideas:
3. Make a plan of action
Ask yourself the 5 Ws & H. Who do I know that has knowledge to share in this area? What do I want to cover? Where will we go for field trips? Why are we doing this and what are my goals? When will we do this study? How should we cover the material?
4. Collect resources
5. Track your learning
How will you present your finished unit study?
6. Save the outline
It's a good idea to save the outline for your unit study in case you'd like to do it again in a few years with younger children or share the idea with your homeschooling friends. Have fun!! Example:
Looking for a place to start collecting great material for a Unit Study? Here are a few lists that might help to get your creative juices flowing!