This math book was created to help your child master the Math curriculum for Grade 9
This math book is 100% aligned with the Grade 7 Mathematics curriculum for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Atlantic Canada. The book is divided into 8 chapters, each one covering a series of related topics. Each topic is explained in a clear and concise mannner, and includes straightforward examples with step-by-step solutions. Students can practice their understanding by working through the questions provided. Each chapter concludes with a practice test where students can demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered in the chapter. An answer key is included in each book.
- Teaches mathematics curriculum for Grade 9
- The Math book contains clear, concise instructions, straightforward examples, and practice questions with answer key
- Created and reveiwed by Canadian math teachers for Canadian teachers and students
- Chapter tests and answer keys included to validate understanding and serves as assessment tool
- Spiral binding to ensure the book lies flat on student's desk
- Enhances student confidence
Sample Pages