Apologia Young Explorers Series Grades 1 to 6

Your family can begin learning to enjoy their study of science in the elementary grades with the Young Explorers Series. This series is the young Exploring Creation with series which includes individual books that dig deeply into the study of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, Botany, Zoology 1 (Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day), Zoology 2 (Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day), or Zoology 3 (Land Animals of the Sixth Day). Each text is designed to cover a full year of science for grades 1 to 6.

Beginning in Junior High (Grade 7) students can enjoy the Exploring Creation with series in General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Then your child can chose to continue in Advanced courses for Biology (Marine Biology or Human Body:Fearfully and Wonderfully Made), Chemistry or Physics.

Since 1996, Apologia Educational Ministries has supported homeschooling families by publishing excellent, easy-to-use creation-based science curriculum.
