Bluestocking Guide: Building a Personal Model for Success
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A Bluestocking Guide: Building a Personal Model for Success by Jane A. Williams (editor of the Uncle Eric books) is a student study guide designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in the primer, Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career and Financial Security.

Bluestocking Guides are designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding and retention of the subject matter presented in the guide's corresponding primer.

Each Bluestocking Guide includes comprehension questions relating to specific chapters within the primer. These include: Definition, True/False, and Short Answer/Fill-in questions. Answers are located in the back of the study guide.

Application Exercises are also given for certain chapters. Generally, these ask the student to apply the knowledge he/she learned from a given chapter of the primer to "real world" situations. This way the student may personalize the information to better retain and apply the knowledge gained from the primer.

Application Exercises typically include: Essay assignments, Research projects, and thought questions to facilitate student-instructor discussion.

Many Bluestocking Guides will also include suggestions for further study (books, movies, etc.).

A final exam is included and answers are located in the back of the study guide.

  • Author
    Williams, Jane A.
  • Age Level
    Ages 14+
  • Copyright
  • Format
    Study Guide
  • Number of Pages
    47 Pages
  • Series
    Uncle Eric's Model
A Bluestocking Guide: Building a Personal Model for Success by Jane A. Williams (editor of the Uncle Eric books) is a student study guide designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in the primer, Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career and Financial Security.

Bluestocking Guides are designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding and retention of the subject matter presented in the guide's corresponding primer.

Each Bluestocking Guide includes comprehension questions relating to specific chapters within the primer. These include: Definition, True/False, and Short Answer/Fill-in questions. Answers are located in the back of the study guide.

Application Exercises are also given for certain chapters. Generally, these ask the student to apply the knowledge he/she learned from a given chapter of the primer to "real world" situations. This way the student may personalize the information to better retain and apply the knowledge gained from the primer.

Application Exercises typically include: Essay assignments, Research projects, and thought questions to facilitate student-instructor discussion.

Many Bluestocking Guides will also include suggestions for further study (books, movies, etc.).

A final exam is included and answers are located in the back of the study guide.

  • Author
    Williams, Jane A.
  • Age Level
    Ages 14+
  • Copyright
  • Format
    Study Guide
  • Number of Pages
    47 Pages
  • Series
    Uncle Eric's Model