This is a Special Order Item and is non-cancel when ordered and non-returnable when received.
For Alpha-Omega Grade 6
8oz Glass Jar (w/out lid)
Alcohol Burner (w/stand) (Fuel not included)
Baby Lima Bean Seeds, 4pk
Baking Soda, 2tbs
Balloon, Large
Beaker, glass, 250ml
Benedict’s Solution, 15ml
Black Construction Paper
Black Marker
Blue Food Coloring
Blue Tissue Paper
Cardboard, 4x4 square
Clear Tape
Cooking Oil, 15ml
Corn Seeds, 24pk
Corn Starch, 3tbs
Cotton Ball, 2pk
Cotton Swab
Dialysis Membrane, 5cm x 5 cm
Dish Soap, 15ml
Economical Magnifier
Glass Jar, 12 oz
Glucose Test Strips, 10pk
Green Construction Paper
Green Tissue Paper
Honey, packet
Household Ammonia, 50ml
Insulated Copper Wire, 6in
Iodine Solution, 15ml
Jar Lid, 8oz
Large Nail, 3”
Lima Beans, 4pk
Lime Water, 20cc
Marble, large
Masking Tape, 4in
Metal Nut
Microscope Slide & Coverslips (10pk)
Mint Candy
Paper Towels
Phenolphthalein Solution, 10cc
Plastic Cup, clear, 12oz
Plastic Graduated Cylinder, 10ml
Plastic Knife
Plastic Petri Dish
Plastic Pipette, 1ml
Plastic Red Bowl
Plastic Spoon
Plastic Zip Lock Bag, 10x13in
Plastic Zip Lock Bag, 6x6in (Plastic Sandwich Bag)
Prepared Slide of a Leaf (Cross Section)
PTC Paper Strips, 10pk
Radish Seeds, pack
Razor Blade (single-edge)
Red Construction Paper
Red Food Coloring
Red Tissue Paper
Rennet Table
Rope, 10ft
Rubber Bands, small
Rubber Stoppers, #00, 15mm
Rubbing Alcohol, ¼ cup
Ruler, Wooden, 12in
Safety Goggles
Saltine Crackers, 2pk
Small Block of Wood
Small Mirror 2x2”
Spring Scale, 250g
Straw, Large
String, 10ft
Styrofoam Cup (Disposable)
Styrofoam Cup Lid (Disposable)
Test Tube Holder (Clamp)
Test Tubes, 15x125 mm, 6pk
Thumbtacks, 2pk
Tuning Fork
Vinegar, ¼ cup
White Construction Paper
White Paper
White Trash Bag
World Map, with latitude and longitude lines
Yellow Food Coloring
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts and balloons.
Children under 8 years can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken ballons. Adult supervision required. Keep uninflated balloons from children. Discard broken balloons at once.
This kit contains small parts. Not for children under 3 years.