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Over 1 Million Synonyms… The Largest, Most Comprehensive Thesaurus in Print

The Last Word in Thesauruses
-- More than 1,000,000 synonyms
-- Simple alphabetical arrangement -- no separate index necessary
-- Separate subdivisions for the different parts of speech and different meanings of the same word
-- Expanded to include thousands of new words and expressions that have entered the language in recent years
-- Includes clearly labeled slang and informal words and expressions, as well as rare, archaic, scientific and other specialized terms
-- Minimum cross-references

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  • Grade Level
    Grade 7+
Over 1 Million Synonyms… The Largest, Most Comprehensive Thesaurus in Print

The Last Word in Thesauruses
-- More than 1,000,000 synonyms
-- Simple alphabetical arrangement -- no separate index necessary
-- Separate subdivisions for the different parts of speech and different meanings of the same word
-- Expanded to include thousands of new words and expressions that have entered the language in recent years
-- Includes clearly labeled slang and informal words and expressions, as well as rare, archaic, scientific and other specialized terms
-- Minimum cross-references

  • Consumable
  • Format
  • Grade Level
    Grade 7+